
It feels like no one understands you because of what you’ve been through. Sleep is elusive due to images appearing unbidden and the constant stream of thoughts running through your mind. You feel like you always have to watch your back and have difficulty trusting others. When something good happens, you’re afraid that the other shoe will drop. You struggle with anxiety and depression from your experiences and might have been diagnosed with PTSD or cPTSD. You want to feel safe and secure, but you don’t know how.

We can work together on…

  • Understanding the effects of trauma on your mind, body, heart, & soul

  • Learning how to meet your needs in a beneficial manner

  • Establishing a sense of inner & outer safety

  • Practicing self-soothing and emotional regulation skills

  • Building tolerance for triggers and stressors

  • Identifying & changing patterns that no longer serve you

  • Exploring healthy attachment in relationships

  • Breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma

My aim is to provide a safe and supportive space for you to

truly express yourself,

assist you in developing an awareness and understanding of how trauma affects you,

empower you to grow

such that your trauma no longer overwhelms you.

I will work collaboratively with you on figuring out what best works for you, as I am aware that trauma is complex and requires a comprehensive approach.